Bucking the Trend: Perfection Isn’t Perfect!

Welcome to the second installment of Bucking the Trend”. Today we talk Perfection…and how Perfection Isn’t Perfect. In fact, if we focus too much on perfection, we will most likely never accomplish all that we are capable of.

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Bucking the Trend – Part 2: Perfection Isn’t Perfect!

“I’ve almost got it perfect.”
“Just a little bit more, then it’ll be perfect and ready to post.”
“If it’s not perfect, I’m not going to share it.”

These are a few thoughts and phrases that will kill the momentum of any artist, writer, entrepreneur or business person. Striving for perfection isn’t a bad thing, but when we make perfection our sole focus we lose sight of our progress and our goals.

Entrepreneurs (myself included) struggle with this concept all the time. We want to make sure we have the perfect blog post, product or service. Our marketing has to be spot on or we believe we’ll fail miserably! Our website has to be absolutely perfect or no one will ever click. The truth is, if we never put it out there, never publish our article, never communicate our plan, NOTHING WILL EVER HAPPEN!

So how can make sure that we don’t let perfection become our first and last insurmountable mountain? Here are four steps you can take to overcome the perfection bug and start your journey to success!

1. Decide on where you want to end up, but don’t focus on the how, yet!
Decisions, decisions, decisions. We all have to make them but some struggle more than others. The key here is to decide where you want to end up. Don’t worry on how you’ll get there, decide. My kids are studying the 7 Habits and one of the habits is, “Start with the end in mind.” If you don’t know where you want to go you’ll never end up there. Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

2. Document your first step…(Notice it’s just one step, not all!)
Now that you know where you’re headed write down the first step. Just like before you don’t need to know all the steps, just the first one. Too many times we as humans want to make sure we know everything, have everything planned out and all situations accounted for. This is impossible! If everyone knew everything, we would have already arrived at out destination. What’s your first step?

3. ACT!
Now is when the rubber meets the road. You know where you’re going and you know what the first step is. DO IT! Don’t become a victim of analysis paralysis! This is often the straw that breaks the camel’s back. We’re okay with deciding where we’re going and even pretty okay with the first step. It’s that first step that’s a killer, or so we believe. Having courage to take that step is often what separates the successful from the unsuccessful. Which camp do you want to be in?

4. Realize that progress is better than perfection
Finally, we need to realize that progress is better than perfection. We may think that we want perfection, but what would happen if we obtained it? Would we be satisfied? If not, then was it really perfect to begin with? Ultimately, it’s the progression towards perfection that drives us, not perfection itself. 

Don’t let the perfection bug paralyze you from action. Become a person of action and just get moving!